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Lúcia Nascimento, Amparo Castellote, Jorge Furtado, Ana Paula Petinga, Rita Cabrita Carneiro, Elida Vázquez, Eugénia Soares

1- Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Curry Cabral, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central
2- Serviço de Radiologia Pediátrica, Hospital Universitário Vall D’Hebron
3- Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central
4- Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central
5- Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central
6- Serviço de Radiologia Pediátrica, Hospital Universitário Vall D’Hebron
7- Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central

- AIRP Course 2016

Objectives: Our objectives are to: provide a list of the liver masses that can be found in the pediatric age group; recognize their imaging features with different radiologic modalities (sonography, CT and MRI); emphasize certain aspects in addition to the radiological findings, namely the age of presentation and serum alpha fetoprotein level, relevant to differential diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: Review of pediatric patients diagnosed with liver mass (benign and malignant entities) from January 2010 to December 2015 in our institution, and from the first trimester of 2016 from another european institution.
Results: Illustrative cases of infantile hepatic hemangioma, hepatoblastoma, focal nodular hyperplasia, cat scratch disease, mesenchymal hamartoma, undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and embryonal, rhabdomyosarcoma (of the biliary tree) are presented. These cases are displayed in in a quiz format, with clinical cases.
Conclusion: The focal hepatic mass is not an uncommon problem in the daily radiologists’ work, detected accidentally or in a child with a palpable mass on physical examination. Knowledge of how the pathologic features of these tumors affect their imaging appearances helps radiologists offer an appropriate differential diagnosis and management plan.

Palavras Chave: (max. 5) Radiology, liver masses