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Mariana Lobato1; Pedro Carreiro- Martins1,2; Sara Moura1; Ana Brito1; Sandra Santos1; Nuno Neuparth1,2; Paula Leiria Pinto1,2 

1 - Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, Hospital de Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, E.P.E., Rua Jacinta Marto, Lisbon, Portugal
2 - CEDOC, Integrated Pathophysiological Mechanisms Research Group, Nova Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal 

- EAACI Congress 2020, reunião internacional, apresentação sob a forma de poster 

Background: Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a well-validated biomarker that could be used for the assessment of TH2 type inflammation. A new hand-held FeNO analyser was recently commercialized (Vivatmo) and despite being an attractive tool, there is a lack of information about its comparison with other analysers in paediatric age.
Aim: To compare FeNO values determined by two different hand-held analyzers: Niox Vero and Vivatmo.
Methods: 15 pediatric patients with asthma selected consecutively at our allergy outpatient clinic were included in the study. They were asked to perform FeNO measurements with the two hand-held devices in a random order in the same occasion. Bland-Altman plots were used for methods comparison.
Results: We included 15 patients (ten boys and five girls), with a mean age of 11.3 (SD: 2.3) years. The median values of FeNO obtained with Niox Vero and Vivatmo were 27 (P25-P75: 14-70) ppb and 19 (P25-P75: 8-53) ppb, respectively. The mean of differences between the two analyzers was 9 ppb (higher values with Niox Vero). The limits of agreement were -5.4 and 23.5 ppb. The two measurements were very well correlated (rho = 0.93).
Conclusion: In our sample FeNO values were higher with Niox Vero than with Vivatmo. This should be considered when using FeNO for asthma monitoring.

Palavras Chave: Asthma, FeNO