1 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainee in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Hospital Dona Estefânia, Lisboa, Portugal
2 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainee in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Hospital São Francisco Xavier, Lisboa, Portugal
3 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Hospital Dona Estefânia, Lisboa, Portugal
- XXIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência – Entre Levadas e Veredas, Funchal, 12 a 14 de abril de 2018
- 23rd World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, Praga, República Checa, 23 a 27 de julho de 2018
Introduction: From the question of whether the diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) should have classification matching in the DSM-5 or whether it constitutes a pre-morbid condition for other pathologies, a retrospective study was conducted in 2016 titled Regulatory Disturbances: The Return to the Past - Conditioners of Evolution. The study did not show a significant association between the abnormal results obtained in the SDQ scale by children with PRPS and therapeutic intervention, which allowed us to conclude that it is imperative to rethink the intervention of these cases. From these results and the lack of corresponding diagnosis in DSM-5, the present study intends to understand what possible diagnoses these children have in the latency / adolescence and adult age and what are the therapeutic interventions required.
Objectives: Characterize the sample of children diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder who used the psychiatry consultation at the unity of infant mental health (UPI) between 2006-2013; characterize the results obtained at the follow-up; check current medical status, pharmacological therapy, other therapeutic interventions, and if they present another corresponding diagnosis in the DSM-5.
Methods: Retrospective and follow-up study using the Clinical Processes of the first consultations performed between the years 2006 and 2013 at the UPI. Evaluation of the current state was made by telephone through a structured interview to the main caregivers and the application of the SDQ. The information will be submitted to statistical processing (in SPSS®), with descriptive analysis and correlation of variables. The sample is of Convenience.
Results: 55 children with SPD (N=55), 47 of their caregivers answered a telephone interview (n=47). No statistically significant association was found between any SPD type and current diagnosis of ADHD nor parental perception of current state. Significant association between SPD diagnosis and abnormal results in subscales of hyperactivity (p = 0.027) and behavior problems (p = 0.017) of the SDQ.
Discussion and Conclusion: The wide dispersion of diagnoses found may pose two hypotheses: SPD should be considered as an independent diagnostic category; symptomatology (alterations in the SP) can be common to different pathologies. It is important to carry out prospective studies in children diagnosed with SPD, in order to determine if it may be a future diagnostic category in the DSM.
Key words: Diagnostic Classification, Sensory Processing Disorder, Early Childhood, Follow-up